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  • What language do you use during Sunday worship service?
    Since we are focused on serving the Chinese community, our Sunday worship service will be conducted in Mandarin Chinese. However, we will be providing a live English simultaneous interpretation through our bi-lingual broadcasting system. Our English-speaking friends can simply use the provided device to access this service. More than that, our presentation, including any handouts, bulletins, brochures, or powerpoint slides will also be in two languages. Click HERE for simultaneous interretation information.
  • What about our English speaking children?
    Children from 2 to 5 years old will be dropped off at the children's worship after singing and praying with their parents at the CLC chapel. They will be worshiping with the larger crowd of the English-speaking congregation and the worship will be conducted in English. Children from kindergarten to 5th grade are encouraged to worship with their parents for the whole service. If they have difficulties of understanding Chinese, we will provide the translating device to assistant them. If you have special need, please contact us. For more information, please visit HERE.
  • What about youth?
    All youth go to the youth Sunday school with the larger crowd of English-speaking congregation. After that, they are encouraged to worship with their parents during the entire worship service. They can use our provided device to access English interpretation. Please let us know if you have any questions. Click Here for youth ministry information. Click Here for simultanoues interpretation information.
  • What will be available for my kids?
    All children are encouraged and welcomed to participate in the worship service. We provide nursery childcare for newborns to age 2. Kids from age 2 to 5th grade stay with the congregation during our singing and praying, and then attend children's worship during the sermon. Older kids who can engage with the sermon may stay. We also have Sunday school class in Chinese language for all ages from 9:30am to 10:30am before the service. Click Here for youth ministry information. Click Here for nursery and children's ministry information.
  • What should I expect about Sunday school when I come to Cross Covenant?
    We provide Sunday schools for all ages. The adult Sunday School will be in Mandarin Chinese, whereas the youth and children Sunday School will be in English. All Sunday school classes run from 9:30am to 10:30am*, different locations are designated according to the age. Please click here to see a list of location * Youth Sunday school and children's Sunday school begin at 9am. However, the adult Sunday school runs from 9:30am-10:30am, therefore, children and youths can check in at 9:30am.
  • Do you have any other activities for my children beside sunday school?
    Yes, we do have regular weekday activities and spring retreat program for middle schoolers and high scoolers. Please click Here for youth ministry information.
  • What language do you sing during worship?
    We will be singing in both Chinese and English with a well-balanced proportion. Most Chinese-speakers can sing in English, but it's not quite true on the opposite. In order to help our English-speaking congregation worshiping along with us when we are sing a Chinese song, we will mark the Chinese pronounciation with English letters on top of each Chinese character, as well as the English translation underneath. We hope this would help our English-speakers not only understand, but also participate in worship by singing.
  • What kind of music do you sing during worship?
    We try to choose songs that are spiritually helpful, Christ-centered, musically excellent, and inviting for everyone to sing. There will be a mix of old songs, new songs, and old songs done in new ways. Cross Covenant highly values singing that engages your heart and mind, and that fixes your focus on God during worship.
  • Why do you meet at Christ Covenant Church?
    Christ Covenant Church is also a member of the Presbyterian Church in Amercia. We are grateful for their generous help for providing space and facilities, and assistance on children ministry, nursery childcare, and youth ministry. We hold the same value and standard of theology as members of the body of Christ. We believe you will love the ministries and the overall church atmosphere that they have created!
  • How does Church membership work at Cross Covenant Chinese Church?
    In 1 Corinthians 12, the Bible talks about the idea of being members of one body, so we value the idea membership. Anyone is welcome to attend as long as they like without becoming a member, but we do believe that in the long run we will be a better church as individuals commit their gifts to use in the community. We also believe that you will benefit more from our community life by becoming a faithful member. You can learn more in our membership classes, which happen several times throughout the year. Click Here to direct you to the membership page.
  • Do you have weekday events or activities?
    Yes, we do. For youth, please click For Adult, please click HERE.
  • How do I get connected with Cross Covenant Chinese Church?
    Coming to our service on Sunday morning is a great way to start! You can get to know us by checking out our website, joining our small groups or weekday activities, or connecting with us by simply sending us an email. There are several ways to contact us on our "Contact" page.
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